Go to a smaller Wall Street broker. 那就去一家小一点的华尔街经纪公司。
Jackie was born in 1929 to Wall Street broker John Bouvier III, known to his friends and foes as Black Jack because of his dark complexion, destructive gambling addiction and his black heart. 杰奎琳生于1929年,他的父亲是华尔街的经纪人约翰•布维尔三世,因皮肤黝黑、好赌成瘾和黑心肠,他在朋友和敌人那里得了个绰号叫黑杰克。
After the weekend, the mornings of that senior banker and many other executives at the two remaining large Wall Street broker dealers will become a lot easier. 经过上个周末,这位资深银行家和华尔街剩下两大经纪自营商的许多其他高管的早晨将会轻松很多。
While other Wall Street banks have made big moves into proprietary trading and private equity and dramatically increased their presence outside the US, bear has largely remained tied to its roots as a domestic bond house and prime broker to hedge funds. 其他华尔街银行已大刀阔斧,进入了自营交易和私人股本领域,并大幅扩展了美国以外的业务,贝尔斯登却仍然坚守传统,从事国内债券机构和对冲基金的机构经纪商。